Inspire and Inform with Speakers
We at WorkJoy LOVE what we do. We adore coaching. We are passionate for training and facilitating. We crave a good consulting call. And we go GAGA for speaking.
Maybe your employees are in classroom overload. Maybe they only have time (or mental bandwidth) for something short. Speakers fill the gap between virtual self-education and full-blown workshops, reinforcing key messages for your humans and inspiring new ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. And speaking events are FUN!
Check out our speaker reel to see us in action!
How It Works
You may have a topic in mind. You may want to brainstorm with us. As with all of our offerings, we start with YOUR desired outcomes – what do you want your employees to feel/think/do after the applause? What do you want them bringing back to their work and into their lives?
Get inspired by watching our 2-minute speaker reel!
WorkJoy has been asked to speak on local, national, and international stages, including:
- The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement (54-year-old organization with a mission to to champion, advance, and unify the animal welfare profession)
- Association for Talent Development International Conference and Exposition (hosting the world’s largest talent development conference)
- Bamboo HR’s Virtual Summit (the world’s largest virtual human resources conference) - check out this video
- DisruptHR Los Angeles (20 slides in 5 minutes on captivating humans-at-work topics) - we're a five-time speaker! Check out this video and this one for a taste of the fun.
- LinkedIn’s Talent Connect conference - watch here
- The Society for HR Management Annual Conference and Expo (the world’s largest global human resources conference) and Talent Conference and Expo
We have SO many toys in our WorkJoy toybox – let’s play!
- Powers, Passion, and Priorities: Harnessing the 3Ps of Your Personal Brand
- What Was I Made For: Unlocking Your Potential through Your Strengths
- We're All Leaders: How to Lead through Influence
- Awareness, Adaptation, Affiliation: Building EQ through DiSC
- Going for the Goal: How to Define, Communicate, and Measure Outcomes that Matter
- Get on Board: Curating Your Personal Board of Directors
- Reframing Conflict: How to Clash Constructively and Confidently
- All for One and One for All: Reimagining Leadership Development
- Feedback Fears? Fuel a Feedforward Frenzy!
- The Secrets to Career Success: What They Didn’t Teach Us in School
- The Stay Conversation: Making Engagement Personal
- Reclaim Your Identity: The Search for Authenticity
- You Have a Voice: Overcoming the Blocks that Keep You Small, Scared, and Silent
- And more!