Keynote Speaking

Inspire and Inform with Speakers

We at WorkJoy LOVE what we do. We adore coaching. We are passionate for training and facilitating. We crave a good consulting call. And we go GAGA for speaking. 

Maybe your employees are in classroom overload. Maybe they only have time (or mental bandwidth) for something short. Speakers fill the gap between virtual self-education and full-blown workshops, reinforcing key messages for your humans and inspiring new ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. And speaking events are FUN! 

Check out our speaker reel to see us in action!

How It Works

You may have a topic in mind. You may want to brainstorm with us. As with all of our offerings, we start with YOUR desired outcomes – what do you want your employees to feel/think/do after the applause? What do you want them bringing back to their work and into their lives?

Get inspired by watching our 2-minute speaker reel!

WorkJoy has been asked to speak on local, national, and international stages, including:

We have SO many toys in our WorkJoy toybox – let’s play!

We love what we do – and so do our clients.
Make your next event a WOW. Invite a WorkJoy speaker to the party.

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