Mastering the Universe – Four Steps to Owning Your Power

He Man on Tiger with red cape

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. – Lao-Tzu As you contemplate the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons of your youth, let’s begin with a bit of etymology. Merriam-Webster defines power as the “ability to act or produce an effect.” It comes from the Middle English poer meaning “to be able.” The same source defines […]

What We Learn from Cycles

Full Moon

I spent the morning talking with a friend about cycles. What goes around comes around. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning. How although we know that wheel must turn, we often resist or try to stop it. How relationships, jobs, passions, politics, and markets all have their cycles. And how if we are […]

Fit to be Seen – Celebrating Your Authentic Self

Puzzle Pieces

For the second time in as many months, I’ve been told by a potential professional partner that my energy is not a fit. Smart? Unquestionable. Capable? Absolutely. Experience? Spot on. Fit? Well… (This reminds me of the song from “A Chorus Line” that begins “Dance Ten, Looks Three,” but we’ll save show tune analogies for […]

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