Our Purpose

Based in Los Angeles, California with a satellite location in Phoenix, Arizona, WorkJoy provides innovative facilitation and coaching solutions to organizations ready to unleash the potential of their humans, including:

The WorkJoy executives “break the mold” through innovative human-focused solutions that challenge leaders, teams, and individuals to learn new ways of working together while increasing self-knowledge, self-awareness, and self-appreciation.

Our directive is to discover, develop and deliver the most useful tools, content, and advisory in support of our cherished clients. From our first conversations it’s a partnership – we ask about your organizational context (mission and values), people challenges (communication, conflict, strategies), and the culture to which the organization aspires. Then we adapt our skills and knowledge to enhance and reinforce your organization’s development efforts. Our unique co-creative approach serves to cultivate and support strong leadership and a deep team member bench.

Why We Do It

We stay true to our individual and shared values, draw on our diverse deep experience, and always keep humans at the center, infusing our programs with a hands-on, action learning approach – and a healthy dose of humor.

How We Do It

Our mission is to create more engaged, productive, happier workplaces from the inside-out – by igniting collaborative and compassionate cultures that unleash human potential and boost business results.

Clients & Partners

Certifications and Tools


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